Monday, January 10, 2011

Sociophilia:The Networking Fever

It is not our fault, It never was. We are addicted to relationships. Be it platonic,romantic,family-bound or anything else. We are social creatures. And its the age of Finger work. Everything except ego and jealousy is bringing us closer to people, I think. So are the social networking sites. We may forget what day it is, we never forget to check if we have any new notification. We may forget to greet our parents,we never forget to update good wishes four times a day.

No probs. That's possibly what we call network socialisation. Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, Fropper etc, few social networking sites that have assumed a pivotal place in the daily routine of younger generation. The wannabe big generation.Anyways, what the social network culture is doing, positively, is: it is reducing the gap. Bridging all possible rivers between long lost brothers. I assume many, like me,have found old schoolmates on social networking sites. Maybe you have developed good friendships with dozens of strangers. maybe you have found love-mates.

What the networking trend is encouraging is fraudism.Very few of us give their authentic details on these sites.Most of fraudulent activities take place on these sites. We hear how someone allured an innocent girl into marriage with seemingly dashing looks and NRI background. Or maybe some exceedingly charming tall and dark stranger becomes the darkest truth of your life.

They trick. They flirt. They play. They cheat. You loose.

On professional levels, defaming, rumours, brand value depletion and so on are common problems attributed to social networking.

Students are undoubtedly wasting their valuable time on networking sites. When I get bored in the classroom, the prof is boring,the neighbourhood girl is picking her nose, becomes my status and I await few comments. When i power on my Laptop, I sign in to check how many are online. I get bored in a train, I update my status. I have just proposed someone, I need to tell that to the world! I post numerous pictures of myself, eagerly awaiting for the comments.Its exams, I haven't studied a single thing and I am more interested to make others panic.

We need a cure, from this addiction.

Ten days to cure yourself:
1.Check all notifications and reply to them as if you don't care.
2.Remove all your photos with disgusting comments.
3.Try to utilise the free SMS of your cellphone.
4.Don't add unknown people,unfriend strangers.
5.However boring the lecture be, try to concentrate on attractive(!) neighbours.
6.Take a nap in the train.
7.Set ur online status always as "busy".
8.You have a bike, a bat, a badmintn raquet, a television, novels.....oops you have books too!
9.Set your status at "Bye", and deactivate the account.
10.Create a new account, I know my tips havent worked and you feel guilty.Wait for the administrator to remove the site.

By the way, just before dying, tell the people you are dead in few moments!


  1. acha hai bhai...main kch aisha hi karne wala hu....

  2. hey.....its true but u 2 kno dat it's....
    gud..keep it up...

  3. Very well written Aakash. Your write-up reflects your thought flow, which is no doubt Superb as the thoughts move with such an ease and true enough they ricochet with our experiences and that brings a smile over our faces.After all, its story that all of us share. But not all befriend strangers...I'm a live example. Throughout the reading, i never got bored!
    Keep Writing. waiting for your next post :)

  4. commendable job......great fluency......well done........keep writing n continue the good work.

  5. hero u did a comndable job....
    i m so proud of ...............
    keep writing and all d best.......
    it was so real nd gud .......
    im rly happy dat dis is ur part of work.........
    well done..:)

  6. Oh! finally i got to read your latest blog post. Its a wonderful piece of work. Certainly your suggestions are worth following. I'll try to follow at least one or two of them :)

    Then, you got a very smooth flow of words. Ad great writing skills. All the best bro. Keep writing. Waiting for your next post.

  7. Sociophilia ... good good :) If not for FB, I wouldn't have found a lovely friend like Himani, and many lovely authors as you, to cite an eg. :))
