Friday, September 27, 2013

The Interview That Never Happened : TWO

Hello! Today is Friday and you get to read yet another blog from me. In case you are new, I make a new post every Friday. So how was the week, guys and gals? Nothing special? If there was anything worth telling, do write it in the comments section.

So, the last Friday, I was at the Junction Mall in Durgapur, watching the Finale of the Jam 3.0, a rock band competition, where an amazing band that should have won, won. Anyways, the judge and guest band for the night, Lakhhichara, performed at the end.

I don't have anything against their music, if at all it is theirs. I say this because they blatantly copied Riffs from AC-DC (two of the four songs I saw) and that was beyond giving them further of my time. Shit. Of course, I hate them now and will not see their show in the future. This is my opinion. But I know no music, nor any song.

 However, I saw "The Conjuring". It was a good horror movie, one of the best, certainly. It doesn't thrill you with cheap tricks. What it does is it creates an air of darkness around you with a hint of gloom. I would recommend that you see it.

Also, I learnt that Comedy Night's set caught a major fire. I feel sad for Kapil. He has definitely brought the Indian Middle Class Family together in front of the television. Without any trace of embarrassment, that the other shows or ads cause. You know what I mean.

Today, many of my friends are appearing for the Indian Navy Campus Drive at my college campus. I wish that they get through. I knew I won't be the right person for the job. So, chuck it. There are other ways to serve your country, if at all. 

I find myself as a misfit in the software field. But, this is what I wanted to do from my childhood. Develop Hi-tech prostheses. Do experiments that no one could think of. Develop interactive multimedia related products. Etcetra. Now, that I have been studying Computer Science for three and a half years at college, I realized that most of the guys who have such dreams do nothing but data entry, PowerPoint presentations and Copying and Pasting codes.

Whatever, I would have been more of a misfit if I had pursued other branches of Engineering because I suck at Physics. Since the old stone age. So I chose a bruise instead of a wound, whatever that means. 

Over the years, I have learned a few very basic things. One of them is to sell anything, anything that is, you need to have a good packaging. My friends will agree that the books that they receive at giveaways are best given away.

There has been an exponential rise in the number of people who are trying to be different, so different that I consider myself too mainstream. A day will come when being mainstream will be the new different. I will wait for the day. Bye for now.

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Interview that never happened : ONE

Follow this blog every FRIDAY.

Here is a little something. I have spoken at several interviews. Like reading from a teleprompter. That doesn't help. I will tell you why: Because that is not the truth. The responses during an interview, I feel, are temporary beliefs that evaporate in no time. Therefore, I have decided that I will answer all the questions that my readers ask me, and the things that they want to know with utmost sincerity and honesty. Will that do? That should, perhaps. Not only that I will also share some of my writings here. Basically I will write a blog every Friday from now on. I will try to.


     I may not be the Best. But, I am certainly not like the Rest.

That was on my last birthday. Damn!

Before I begin. Let me tell you: this may be boring to you. I am going to share some things that matter to me. Or concern me as a person. Or an artist. I don't bother about cynical people. And the things they have to say. This, my friend, is my blog. And I will use it only for myself. Enough of warnings.

At twenty years, when my friends are badly wanting to settle down with a lucrative career in software, I am trying to do what I want to. That doesn't mean that I don't want a job. I want a job. Firsthand. This is India. Here, dreams come at a price. Well, I never wanted to study Engineering. Everyone says that. I don't know what I wanted at that particular time. As a matter of fact, I didn't want to study anything at all. Haha.

I still don't know. That's the truth. I am a very complicated person and I have been trying to figure out who or what I am.

What is the reason for starting this series of blogs? Simple. I am basically occupied with a lot of work and I don't play computer games. I need to get myself refreshed. I do what I am good at - writing. Playing Guitar. And several other things.

Well I find interest in too many things. That's my strength. And weakness. Strength: because I seldom get bored; even when alone. Weakness: because I don't have many friends in life. Long term friends, that is. Basically, I am an introvert. I don't talk to strangers. I am not comfortable with a crowd of people. I am not comfortable with liars. I am not able to make choice when it comes to people. Too many problems, I have.

That was a brief intro. You will come to know more about me in the following posts. Now, let me answer some basic questions that I am asked.

Q: Why did you write "Those Days..."?

A: I really don't know. I read a few pages of a really badly written book. I thought I could write better than that. I did. Also, I had written the book about three and a half years back, I think. I was very bored after my Intermediate exams and my friends had told me a lot of things about the place I was in. I thought that could make a novel. And it did.

Q: Is it your story?
A: Come on. NO. It is not mine. Basically, I like to tell stories across to people. My stories sell in the form of books. To tell my story will be to sell myself, which is very derogatory. I do not have any disrespect for others who are writing their books on their own life. But I don't want to write a book about myself as a fictional character. Do you get it? If ever I write my story, it will be an autobiography.

Q: Why do we choose you over other authors?
A: First, don't choose me over other authors. I don't compare myself to any author/person. I don't claim to be a literary bug. I don't know much of Literature. I want to learn, though. You can buy my books if you want to. There is no obligation, or force. Second, I try to write from a certain Point of View that you will be, I believe, able to relate yourself to. Third, You will enjoy my book. Probably.

Enough for today. I would like to thank Myself for the time. Meet you next Friday with the next edition of "The Interview that never happened."

Till then read my book. Haha.

You can also drop me your questions in my Inbox or the Comment section of this blog.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

It broke my heart

Some love stories are great. Some are not so great. Like the ones we see blooming at a local park, or restaurant. Yet, they have their own charm. I love hearing these stories. From real people, of course. So, I was on the bus the other evening and it was fairly empty. I noticed a young boy, probably on the greener side of his twenties, sitting at the last seat and engrossed in texting someone. 

I went and sat beside him. You must know at this point of time, that I am a very curious person. I tried to peek into his giant mobile touch screen. A chatting app showed he was online and was chatting to someone whom he had already sent some dozens of e-kisses. Wet ones, he wrote, describing them.

He looked up from his screen and and noticed me staring at it. I flashed an awkward caught-in-the-act smile.

"You are in love, it seems." I uttered. Like a dork.

"Yes. And it is indeed, magical." He smiled and blushed. I smiled too. He went into flashback.

"I met Tara at a local restaurant. We had come with our respective friends and got along somehow; and thank god for that! I just love this feeling you know - being in love."

I had to nod and smile meekly. You wouldn't like to get beaten up in a lonely bus.

I imagined Tara. And the boy, Vilaas. Although, Tara, in my imagination was far hotter than Vilaas, I must confess.

He further told me, "You know how careless I am with these cute little habits. I generally don't, rather, can't remember dates. Tara always does remember everything - our first kiss, our first fight, our first date, our first anniversary. Everything about us." He smiled and his face beamed with joy.

Obviously, a girl is too good as far as remembering dates are concerned. I thought. However, I smiled and nodded to appreciate Tara.

His phone rang suddenly and he talked aside, whispering sweet nothings punctuated with kisses over the phone and lots of mushy "Baby, Darling, Sweetie" stuff.

In the mean time, the bus stopped at the last stop. I got down. Vilaas followed me. Vilaas moved ahead. I followed. From nowhere, a guy appeared, held him from behind and kissed him.

I was shocked. The hero was gay. And happy.


I decided I would not let Tara, who by now was a heroine for me, to suffer at the hands of a gay. I confronted Vilaas directly and hit a hard punch. Vilaas and his boyfriend were equally shocked.

"How can you do this to Tara? What will she feel if she gets to know that you, of all people," I shook my head angrily as I spoke.

His boyfriend nodded his head too, probably with shame. Or disgust.

Then he forwarded his hand to me, "Hi! I am Tara Singh."